Specific Biomarkers to Determine Geochemical Characteristics of Oils from the East Sirt Basin, Libya
Journal Article

Tricyclic terpanes to hopanes Ratios calculated from individual biomarkers to delineate their distribution, identifications, mixing ratios and biological precursor in a suite of crude oils (n = 24) from the East Sirt Basin. Geochemical application of Tricyclic terpane and Hopane biomarkers is divided studied oils into five groups (I, II, III, IV and V) based on the different ratios between Tricyclic terpanes to hopanes. Percentages of C23 Tricyclic terpanes/17α (H), 21β(H)-hopanes (C30αβ) and C28 Tricyclic terpane/17α (H), 21β (H)-30 hopanes (C31) have divided crude oils into 2 main individual groups in addition to 3 mixed groups. Group I, characterized by the dominance and extension of the tricycle terpane series (≈ C45 Tricyclic terpane). Group V, distinguished with the dominance of 17α (H), 21β (H) hopanes series. Groups II, contained a domination Tricyclic terpanes and hopanes, considered as a mixed group. The group III demonstrated equivalent ratios of Tricyclic terpanes to hopanes. The Group IV revealed a reduced amount of Tricyclic terpanes with enrich of hopanes. Tricyclic terpanes derived from tricyclohexaprenol precursors and attributed to a marine depositional environment and algal matter. Hopanes in obtained from bacteriohopane polyols and aminopolyols and distinguished to a depositional bacterial environment.

Salem Aboglila, (06-2013), Azzaytuna university: Azzaytuna university Journal, 7 (2), 37-47

Evaluation of Reverse Osmosis Technique in Water Desalination in Some Regions of Libyan Tripoli City.
مقال في مجلة علمية

Abstract: This study carried out in some regions belong to Libyan Tripoli city to examine the concentration of some elements and evaluate the chemical quality of water which came from different sources ( wells and general net) before and after using the Reverse Osmosis Technique. Data were collected on water samples and information about the region; source of water and date of sample taken were defined. The water samples analysed and the concentrations of elements and salts which included T.D.S , pH, Na+ , K + , Ca+2 , Mg+2 Cl- , Caco3 -2 and So4 -2 were estimated. The results are shown that most sources of feed water have high concentration in chemicals elements and TSD. Then this water is unsuitable for human drinking from the chemical side. From the results of current study , It can concluded that using Reverse Osmosis Technique attributed to great decrease in some chemicals elements and TDS, this may be cause some healthy problems. Then, this water is unsuitable for human drinking according to the world and Libyan standard specifications. Also, the sediments in desalination water tanks and connecting tubes made the water unhealthy. However, It is important to clean these tanks and connection tubes of water to prevent the disease causes.

خيري محمد ميلاد العماري، (12-2012)، International Journal of The Environment and Water: International Journal of The Environment and Water، 4 (1)، 145-152

The significance of 24-norcholestanes, 4-methylsteranes and dinosteranes in oils and source-rocks from East Sirte Basin (Libya)
Journal Article

The present paper involves a detailed evaluation of specific steroid biomarkers by gas chromatography– mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and GC-metastable reaction monitoring (MRM) analyses of several crude oils and source rocks from the East Sirte Basin. 24-Norcholestanes, dinosteranes, 4a-methyl-24-ethylcholestanes and triaromatic steroids have been identified in both source-rocks and crude oils of the East Sirte Basin. Diatoms, dinoflagellates (including those potentially associated with corals) and/or their direct ancestors are amongst the proposed sources of these biomarkers. These biomarker parameters have been used to establish a Mesozoic oil–source correlation of the East Sirte Basin. Hydropyrolysis of an extant coral extract revealed a similar distribution (although immature) of dinosteranes and 4a-methyl-24-ethylcholestanes also observed in the Sirte oils and source-rocks. This is consistent with the presence of dinoflagellates present during the deposition of the Mesozoic aged East Sirte Basin Formations. A good data correlation for the rock extracts revealed a similar distribution of 3,24-dimethyl triaromatic steroids, 3-methyl-24-ethylcholestanes, 4-methyl-24-ethylcholestanes and 2-methyl-24-ethylcholestanes observed in one of the oil families and associated source-rocks for the East Sirte Basin.

S. Aboglila, K. Grice, (05-2011), Elsevier: Applied Geochemistry, 16 (1), 1694-1705

Use of biomarker distributions and compound specific isotopes of carbon and hydrogen to delineate hydrocarbon characteristics in the East Sirte Basin (Libya)
Journal Article

Biomarker ratios, together with stable carbon (d13C) and hydrogen (dD) isotopic compositions of individual hydrocarbons have been determined in a suite of crude oils (n = 24) from the East Sirte Basin to delineate their sources and respective thermal maturity. The crude oil samples are divided into two main families (A and B) based on differences in source inputs and thermal maturity. Using source specific parameters including pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph), hopane/sterane, dibenzothiophene/ phenanthrene (DBT/P), Pr/n-C17 and Ph/n-Cl8 ratios and the distributions of tricyclic and tetracyclic terpanes, family B oils are ascribed a marine source rock deposited under sub-oxic conditions, while family A oils have a more terrigenous source affinity. This genetic classification is supported by the stable carbon isotopic compositions (d13C) of the n-alkanes. Using biomarker maturity parameters such as the abundance of Pr and Ph relative to n-alkanes and the distribution of sterane and hopane isomers, family A oils are shown to be more thermally mature than family B oils. The contrasting maturity of the two families is supported by differences between the stable hydrogen isotopic compositions (dD) of Pr and Ph and the n-alkanes, as well as the d13C values of n-alkanes in their respective oils. 

Salem Abdulghani Omar Aboglila, K. Grice, (08-2010), Elsevier: Organic Geochemistry, 14 (1), 1249-1258

تأثير تلوث المياه الجوفية على كفاءة الماشية في منطقة صبراتة وصرمان.
مقال في مجلة علمية

الملخص: تم أخد عٌنات من بعض مٌياه الابار فى كل من منطقة صبراته وصرمان بهدف استبيان مدى جودتها وصالحٌيتها لتغطٌية احتٌياجات الماشٌية من الماء, وتم مراعاة الدقة في أخد عٌينة الماء من حٌيث: الحجم, منع اي مصادر للتلوث, ترك فراغ مناسب أعلى القنٌنة لكً تسهل عملٌة الرج قبل أجراء التحلٌالت الكٌمٌائٌة, قٌاس درجة حرارة الماء وتسجٌلها قبل أن توضع العٌنات فً صندوق ٌحتوي على مكعبات من الثلج الرسالة الى المختبر إلجراء التحلٌالت الالزمة. وقد اشتملت الدراسة على دلٌل لمواصفات أستخدام مٌاه الشرب الخاصة بالحٌوان )الماشٌة(, والمشاكل المحتملة من المحتوى العنصرى الذي ٌإثر على جودة المٌاه لشرب الماشٌة, باإلضافة الى أهم الطرق المستخدمة لمعالجة ذلك. وتشٌر النتائج المتحصل علٌها, فً حدود أقل قٌمة – أعلى قٌمة, ألهم التحلٌالت التى اجرٌيت لمٌياه الابار تحت الدراسة فًي منطقتًي صبراته وصرمان الى ما ٌيلي :ً = )368.47-14(, النترات 2- االمالح الذائبة الكلٌة TDS(= 1551-78.80), الكبرٌتات 4SO , NO3 - = )0.0-0.30(, الحدٌد Fe = )ppm 0.0-1.3), الماغنسٌوم Mg 2+ 2+ ,)160-19-2.35( = الرقم الهٌدروجٌنً pH( = 6.5-8.0).. من خالل مقارنة هذه القٌم بالمعاٌٌر والمواصفات القٌاسٌة المعروفة )دالئل جودة مٌاه الشرب 7891(, ٌمكن القول ان مٌياه الابار في منطقة الدراسة تعتبر آمنه من حٌث االستخدام لشرب الماشٌة دون ترك أي آثار سلبٌة على كفاءة وصحة الحٌوان. والستدامة االستفادة من مٌاه هذه الابار فى تغطٌة احتٌاجات الماشٌة من الماء بمنطقتي الدراسة ٌيوصى بمنع تلوث مٌياه الابار عن طرٌيق تبطٌينها وتغطٌيتها, وحماٌيتها من التآكل عن طرٌيق رصف المنطقة المحٌيطة وإقامة الاسوار لتقٌٌيد حركة الانسان والحٌيوان.

خيري محمد ميلاد العماري، (02-2009)، Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development (FJARD): Fayoum University, Faculty of Agriculture، 2 (23)، 51-58

استخدام طريقة التحليل العنقودي في دراسة جودة مياه الشرب بمنطقة سوق الجمعة- طرابلس.
مقال في مؤتمر علمي

استخدام طريقة التحليل العنقودي في دراسة جودة مياه الشرب بمنطقة سوق الجمعة- طرابلس

خيري محمد ميلاد العماري، (12-2007)، المؤتمر الثالث للتنمية الزراعية المتواصلة: المؤتمر الثالث للتنمية الزراعية المتواصلة - كلية الزراعة- جامعة الفيوم 2007، 8-18

Journal Article

после добавления токсиканта, во всем диапазоне концентраций фенола. Таким образом, зависимости, получаемые в таких случаях, являются сложными и фиксируют большое число факторов. Исключение в эксперименте одних факторов и изучение влияния других достигается в проточных реакторах полного перемешивания, когда один из факторов поддерживается постоянным (например, режим рН-стата). Построенные в работе зависимости позволяют разрабатывать методики эксперимента, служащих целям токсикологии, например, при разработке системы предельно допустимых концентраций по влиянию токсиканта на скорость дыхания тест-объекта. Природные фенольные соединения расщепляются почвенными микроорганизмами, использующими их в качестве источника углерода [29]. Микроорганизмы природных биоценозов приспособлены к низким концентрациям этих соединений. Для удаления фенолов при их высокой концентрации (например, промышленные сточные воды, аварийные ситуации, залповые выбросы) необходимо выделять формы, которые активно окисляют фенол, и адаптировать их к высоким концентрациям фенола как субстрата [30]. В связи с этим возникает круг задач оптимального сочетания концентраций основного субстрата, окислителя и косубстратов (азот в форме дрожжевого экстракта), которые могут быть решены в соответствии с подходом, представленным выше в форме задачи о конкуренции молекул субстрата и окислителя за активные центры поверхности клеточной мембраны. Круг подобного типа задач может быть расширен в зависимости от вопросов, которые ставит практика микробиологии.

Khairi Mohamed Mellad Alamari, (04-2004), Theoretical and Applide Problems Service: Theoretical and Applide Problems Service, 1 (10), 20-28