Effect of potassium drip fertigation on fruit yield, agronomic efficiency and partial factor productivity of tomato under western Libyan conditions
Conference paperThis study examined effect of potassium drip fertigation on the growth and
fruit yield of tomato under field conditions at western Libyan conditions, in two
consecutive seasons. The soil texture sites was sandy, pH around 8.0. the soil potassium
was extracted and estimated by flam photometer at 766 μm. The rate of potassium fertilizer
were F1: 0; F2: 150; F3: 300 kg K2O ha-1 as potassium chloride form in three replicates.
The experimental site was designed in randomized complete block (RCBD). and I1: 75%
ET𝑐; I2: 100% ET𝑐; I3: 125% ET𝑐 levels for irrigation. The interactions for both potassium
fertilization levels and irrigation treatments with fruit yield were found. The single
treatments of potassium fertilization or irrigation significantly affected the tomato fruit
yield, where fertilization and irrigation applications increased the fruit weight from 13.99 t
ha-1 to 34.47 t ha-1 t/ha minimum in F1I1 and maximum in F3I3. Application of different Kfertilizers
and irrigations had significant effect in PFP (partial factor productivity), and
AUE (agronomic use efficiency) as compared to K-control plots of tomato. The average of
PFP for K and irrigation in two treatments were 65.65 kg kg-1 in F2I3, and 59.43 kg kg-1 in
F3I3 which are greater than the values of control, F1I1, F1I2, and F1I3 treatments
Mohammed Abdulbari Mohammed Billaed, (03-2023), طرابلس: جامعة طرابلس, 16-23
تقييم أداء وفاعلية مستخلص نبات الغار األسترالي في إزالة العناصر الثقيلة من محاليلها المائية
مقال في مؤتمر علميتقييم أداء وفاعلية مستخلص نبات الغار األسترالي في إزالة العناصر الثقيلة من محاليلها المائية.
خيري محمد ميلاد العماري، (02-2023)، المؤتمر العلمي للزراعة الرقمية في ليبيا: كلية الزراعة جامعة طرابلس، 211-224
Water Deficit at Different Growth Stages of Potato (Solanumtuberosum L.).
Journal ArticleThe experiment was conducted to assess the sensitivity of potato yield to dif-ferent irrigation levels at different growth stages. Irrigation levels were determined as percentages (WI 100% as readily available water to the crop (RAW)), and for the rest of the treatments (WII 75%, WIII 50%), as they were applied separately to all four stages of crop growth i.e., vegetative (SI), tuber initiation (SII), tuber bulking SIII, and tuber matu-ration (SIV). The design of complete random sectors was adopted to perform the experi-ments. The results revealed that all the studied parameters: plant height (cm), vegetation plant weight (g), number of tubers per plant, tuber weight (g), tuber yield (ton/ha), and crop water productivity (kg/m3) varied among irrigation water levels at different stages of growth. It was found that the two stages, SII and SIII in potato crops, were more sensitive to deficit irrigation compared to other stages. According to the obtained results, in the case of water abundance conditions, the treatment WII SI can be applied to obtain the highest water crop productivity. In conditions of water scarcity, it becomes necessary to apply the treatment WIII SIII to obtain the highest crop water productivity.
Mostafa Ali Mohamed Benzaghta, (12-2022), Al-mukhtar Journal of Sciences: جامعة عمر المختار, 37 (4), 316-328
دراسة المحتوى الكيميائي لبعض العناصر الثقيلة في مياه الصرف الصحي المعالجة بحوض ساسو بمصراتة ليبيا وملائمتها للأغراض الزراعية
مقال في مجلة علميةيعد استخدام مياه الصرف الصحي المعالجة للأغراض المختلفة أحد أهم البدائل الاستراتيجية للمياه
المتجددة، ومن أولويات خطط التنمية في كثير من بلدان العالم؛ خاصًة تلك التي تعاني من نقص في مواردها
المائية التقليدية، بالإضافة إلى أهميتها من النواحي الصحية والبيئية والاقتصادية، وأن استخدام هذه النوعية من
المياه مرهون بمدى تحقيق مستويات آمنة، لإعادة استخدامها في مجالات الرَيّ الزراعي وأي استخدامات
أخرى. أجريت هذه الدراسة لبيان مدى تلوث مياه الصرف الصحي المعالجة للاستخدام الزراعي المتجمعة في
حوض ساسو بمدينة مصراتة – ليبيا، حيث تم تقدير تركيز بعض العناصر الثقيلة وهي الرصاص، والكادميوم،
والزنك، والنحاس، والحديد، حيث أخذت ) 40 ( عينة من أربعة أماكن موزعة في الحوض وتحليل مياهه
كيميائيًا على مدار ستة أشهر، ابتداءً من أول شهر مارس إلى نهاية شهر أغسطس لعام: 2010 م، وقد تم تحديد
تم اعتماد مواصفتين قياسيتين لمدى صلاحية مياه الحوض لاستخدامها .(GPS) موقع الحوض باستخدام جهاز
2013 (، ومواصفة منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم - للرَيّ الزراعي وهي المواصفة القياسية الليبية ) 770
.) المتحدة لعام ) 1989
بينتت النتتائج وجتود ت يترات شتهرية فتي نوعيتة الميتاه باختلافتات مكانيتة وزمنيتة للم شًترات المدروستة وفقًتا
لاستتخدام الميتاه المعالجتة والظتروف المحيطتة بهتا. ستجلت النتتائج ارتفتا فتتي كت م ل متن متوستط قتيم الرصتاص،
1.021 ( علتتتتى التتتتتوالي مكانيًتتتتا ،0.100 ،0.001 ،1.041 mg/L( والكتتتتادميوم، والنحتتتتاس، والحديتتتتد وهتتتتي
وزمنيًا.نتائج عينات الدراسة تدل علتى أن الميتاه المعالجتة المتجمعتة بحتوض ساستو لا ترتقتي ضتمن المواصتفات
المحلية، والعالمية المسموح والموصي بها في الرَيّ الزراعي.
مصطفى علي محمد بن زقطة، (11-2022)، مجلة العلوم: جامعة مصراتة، 15 (1)، 95-103
Atlas of the Frogs of Libya
Journal ArticleYou can follow the whole paper
David C. Blackburn, Stuart V. Nielsen, Tarek Basher Jdeidi, (07-2022), USA: Herpetological Review, 53 (2), 211-219
Effect of some Inorganic Substances to Improve Growth of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.)
Journal ArticleUnderstanding the interactions among soil properties,
salinity and the inorganic substances application is
great importance for improving growth of Coriander [Coriandrum sativum L.] in sandy soils. In the present
study, twenty seeds of Coriander were sown during the growing season 2016 to investigate the effe ct of some
inorganic substances [Bentonite, Nano selenium and Micronutrients mixture] on Coriander growth and
properties of sandy soil under salinity condition. A split plot design replicated thrice was used in this study.
The results indicated significa nt succeed in enhancing all estimated soil properties, such as available
nutrients in soil, EC, pH and bulk density. Besides, traits of coriander plant i.e., plant height, fresh, dry weights
and plant chemical composition. Therefore, it could be recommende d that adding of inorganic substances can
improve the sandy soil properties and growth parameters of coriander plant
Mostafa Ali Mohamed Benzaghta, (06-2022), Sirte University Scientific Journal (Applied Sciences): جامعة سرت, 13 (1), 39-52
Relative Grain Yield of Two Wheat Genotypes and Its relationship to Law of Diminishing Return
Journal ArticleFactorial field experiment was conducted to evaluate relationship between two genotypes of local wheat (Triticum aestivum) and phosphorus soil test values. The M 0.5 NaHCO3 based (Olsen phosphorus) extractant was carried out on soils taken from the plots. The experiment was conducted at western region of Libya. Soil pH at the experimental site was 8.1 and the texture is sandy. The experiment was performed using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) method with three replicates for each treatment of phosphate fertilizer at concentrations of 0, 60, and 120 kg P2O5 ha-1 for both genotypes. Results were expressed by relative values (Relative Yield). Relative yield (RY) of the two wheat cultivars showed similar significant responses to both soil test values and the grain yield. Linear relationship between relative yield and the grain yield at 0 kg P2O5 ha-1 for both genotypes was found, whereas, non-linear relationship was noticed among treatments that received 120 kg P2O5 ha-1. Both the linear and non- linear relationship have explained by tendency curves and showed how both genotypes response to phosphate fertilizer.
Abdulbari Mohammed Billaed, Khaled Meelod Yousef Shaheen, (10-2021), Libya: International Science and Technology Journal, 26 (26), 1-1
Correlation between Relative Grain Yield of Two Local Wheat Genotypes and phosphorus soil test
Journal ArticleField experiment was conducted to evaluate the correlation relationship between the yield of two localized wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum,) Acsad 901 and Salamboo and Olsen phosphorus soil test (0.5 M of NaHCO3 at pH 8.5) values. The experimental site was run at west sector of Libya. The experimental site pH was 8.4 and the texture is sandy The experiment consisted of three replicates and three phosphate fertilizer rates which equivalent, (0, 60, and 120) kg P2O5 ha-1 for both genotypes. The results of grain yield of the experiment were expressed by relative values (Relative Yield). The relative yield (RY) illustrated the relationship between soil test values and the grain yield clearly. Very close correlation relationship (r = 0.98 ) between relative yield of grain and the soil test values of Salamboo was found whereas Acsad genotypes was achieved less correlation( r =0.69) at 0 kg P2O5 ha-1 for both genotypes. The similarity between the two genotypes was very close (r = 0.99 ) for treatments that received high phosphate rate.
Mohammed Abdulbari Mohammed Billaed, (04-2021), طرابلس: المجلة الدولية للعلوم والتقنية, 25 (25), 1-8
SWOT analysis applications: An integrative literature review
Journal ArticleA strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis has become a key tool used
by businesses for strategic planning. Scholars have conducted SWOT research for over six
decades. However, a collective understanding of SWOT analysis remains vague. This study
accessed, analyzed, and synthesized the SWOT literature, allowing for new theoretical
perspectives and frameworks to emerge. Using an integrative literature review, this study reviewed
SWOT studies historically, providing a greater understanding of the SWOT analysis in different
sectors and the different approaches used in SWOT studies. Furthermore, it fills the knowledge
gap in the strategic planning context and indicates meaningful implications for managers that could
help improve their strategic decisions.
Mostafa Ali Mohamed Benzaghta, (03-2021), Journal of Global Business Insights: Scholar Commons, 6 (1), 54-72
دراسة تداخل مياه البحر إلى الخزان الجوفي الأول بمدينة زليتن
مقال في مجلة علميةنظراً للحاجة الماسة للمياه الجوفية لأغراض الاستخدام المنزلي والزراعي والصناعي أُجري هذا البحث لدراسة تداخل مياه البحر إلى بعض الآبار التي تضخ من قبل مرافق بلدية زليتن. تم جمع 23 عينة مياه جوفية في يناير 2019 من الآبار الموزعة بمنطقة الدراسة. تم تحليل عينات المياه لقياس تركيز الصوديوم (+Na) والكلوريد (-Cl) والكالسيوم (Ca+ 2) والماغنيسيوم (Mg+ 2) و مجموع الأملاح الذائبة الكلية (TDS). أيضا تم حساب مؤشر جونز (Jouns Ratio) لتحديد منطقة تداخل مياه البحر التي من أصل بحري داخل اليابسة. أظهرت نتائج التحاليل الكيميائية لعينات مياه الآبار أن هناك زيادة في تركيز TDS حيث تراوحت بين (1536-7545) مليجرام/ لتر، وزيادة في تركيز كل من الكلوريد حيث تراوح ما بين (280-3190) مليجرام/لتر، وتركيز الصوديوم (1256.08-45.5) مليجرام/ لتر ، وتركيز الكالسيوم (128-442) مليجرام/لتر تتجاوز الحد المسموح به من قبل منظمة الصحة العالمية (WHO). بينما مؤشر جونز يزداد بأغلب منطقة الدراسة عن 0.84، وبالتالي لاتُعد المياه من أصل بحري لأغلب المنطقة. عدا شمال شرق وشمال غرب المنطقة وجزء من وسط المنطقة، وتصل مسافة تداخل المياه المالحة إلى 6 كيلومتر بشرق وغرب منطقة الدراسة.
مصطفى علي محمد بن زقطة، (03-2021)، المجلة الليبية للعلوم الزراعية: جامعة طرابلس، 26 (1)، 1-16